
Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Beautiful Day

"Life is a journey, not a destination. There are no mistakes, just chances we've taken. Lay down your regrets... Cause all we have is now." ~India.Arie

I'm going to attempt this blogging thing once again. I have been so bad at staying consistent with things like this. But I've gotten inspiration from several different places here lately. First off, people that know me are convinced that I need to write and share stories about my thoughts and my life. Most suggest a book. But seeing as how I haven't even been able to commit to a blog, that one doesn't seem all that promising. And I have a friend that wants to start a blog. He has big ideas. Way more than just random musings and thoughts. I've been looking at different blogs as he's been researching and getting himself together, the whole time thinking... "hmmm, I could do this." Yeah, basically I'm stealing his idea, lol. And lastly but certainly not least, I feel like I need a way to express myself. I have all of these ideas and thoughts and comments and everything else just waiting to be heard. So why not. I tend shy away from attention. I don't even know why. Maybe a fear of criticism. Whatever it is, I need to get over it. So... here we go.

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